Insurance Blog Week in Review – January 8-14, 2012

In a typical week, the Insurance blog at will have fourteen different articles appear on it. It can be easy to miss something that you really should read about. Every week, I do an Insurance Blog Week in Review, to help you “ketchup” about everything that has hit the blog in the past seven days. ACLU Fights Michigan Domestic Partner Health Insurance Ban Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a law that bans public entities from providing health insurance coverage to the same-sex domestic partners of employees. The ACLU feels that this law serves no purpose except to discriminate against … Continue reading

Survey Reveals Best Insurance Companies

Which insurance companies are the best ones? This is, undoubtedly, something that would be very important for consumers to know. did an analysis that reveals how consumers feel about their many insurance policies. You may want to look over the results before buying a new insurance policy. How happy are you with how your insurance company, or companies, treat you? Do you feel that their rates are fair? Are there some things about your insurance company that make you really dissatisfied? set out to discover which insurance companies gave their customers the most satisfaction. They did a survey … Continue reading

Survey Reveals the Best Perceived Insurance Brands

A survey done by YouGov BrandIndex reveals which insurance companies are perceived as being the best ones by American consumers. This study was done in the first part of 2011. Respondents were asked to answer the same question about each brand of insurance, which lead to a Buzz score. YouGov BrandIndex interviews around 5,000 people, who are age 18 or older, each week. The respondents are a representative sample drawn from the population of the United States. YouGov does over 1.2 million interviews every year. This time, respondents were asked to answer one question about each of the different insurance … Continue reading

GMAC Study Reveals Unfit Drivers

A study done by GMAC Insurance reveals that almost one out of every five American drivers is unfit. This means that for every five vehicles on the road, there is one that is being driven by a person that has little understanding about the rules of the road, or how to drive safely. This may, or may not, surprise you, depending on exactly what you have encountered while driving down the road. How many times have you had to deal with a really bad driver? I believe that everyone has had the unfortunate and frustrating experience of having to deal … Continue reading

Allstate Guarantees Satisfaction

How satisfied are you with how your auto insurance company handled your last claim? Often, people send off a claim, hope for the best, and expect the worst. Allstate is doing something different with the claims their customers send in. Allstate is offering a “Claims Satisfaction Guarantee.” A survey that was done by YouGov BrandIndex was released in July of 2011. This survey revealed which insurance companies were perceived as being the best ones by American consumers. A top ten list was put together, based on the responses that people gave to one question. “If you’ve heard anything about the … Continue reading